Categories Economy Emerging Markets Reuters Poll: Turkish inflation seen rising above 12% in June Editor P.A.Posted on30 June, 20201 July, 2020 Turkey’s consumer price index is expected to rise above 12% in June from 11.4% the … Continue ReadingReuters Poll: Turkish inflation seen rising above 12% in June
Categories Economy Emerging Markets Another downgrade from Fitch: cuts Turkey economic growth forecast to -3.9% Editor P.A.Posted on30 June, 202030 June, 2020 Turkey’s economy is expected to contract by 3.9% this year, Fitch said in a report on Monday, … Continue ReadingAnother downgrade from Fitch: cuts Turkey economic growth forecast to -3.9%
Categories Emerging Markets Finance Nikkei: Coronavirus triggers dollar drain in big emerging markets Atilla YeşiladaPosted on29 June, 202030 June, 2020 The global coronavirus pandemic threatens to send capital fleeing from emerging economies, as falling exports … Continue ReadingNikkei: Coronavirus triggers dollar drain in big emerging markets
Categories Emerging Markets Comment: EM is a value trap, but we live in the “who cares” world Atilla YeşiladaPosted on27 June, 202030 June, 2020 When one reads investment banking reports and financial commentary, EM assets are a strong BUY, … Continue ReadingComment: EM is a value trap, but we live in the “who cares” world
Categories Economy Emerging Markets Finance Albayrak believes in V shaped recovery urging banks to lend more Editor P.A.Posted on23 June, 202025 June, 2020 Addressing the general assembly of the Banks Association of Turkey in Istanbul, treasury and finance … Continue ReadingAlbayrak believes in V shaped recovery urging banks to lend more
Categories Emerging Markets Markets EM Strategy: A Few Reasons for a Correction Atilla YeşiladaPosted on23 June, 202023 June, 2020 Nowadays, it seems like markets will never fall again and I’m reminded of Irving Fisher’s … Continue ReadingEM Strategy: A Few Reasons for a Correction
Categories Economy Emerging Markets General Politics U.S. prosecutor in Halkbank sanctions case steps down reminding of Bolton’s claims Editor P.A.Posted on22 June, 202023 June, 2020 Shares in Turkish state lender Halkbank (HALKB.IS) surged 8% on Monday after U.S. federal chief … Continue ReadingU.S. prosecutor in Halkbank sanctions case steps down reminding of Bolton’s claims
Categories Economy Emerging Markets Finance This week’s meeting: Turkey’s monetary easing almost coming to an end Güldem AtabayPosted on22 June, 202023 June, 2020 Turkey’s central bank will have its Monetary Policy meeting this week; on Thursday. Without any … Continue ReadingThis week’s meeting: Turkey’s monetary easing almost coming to an end
Categories Economy Emerging Markets Recovery… really? Editor P.A.Posted on22 June, 202023 June, 2020 As per the official data, Turkey’s seasonally adjusted consumer confidence index increased by 3.1 points … Continue ReadingRecovery… really?
Categories Emerging Markets Nordea: EM rally built on sand Atilla YeşiladaPosted on18 June, 202019 June, 2020 A rally built on sand For Emerging Markets, the coronavirus curve has not yet peaked, … Continue ReadingNordea: EM rally built on sand
Categories Economy Emerging Markets Bloomberg: Turkey is struggling to undo lockdown damage Editor P.A.Posted on16 June, 202018 June, 2020 Once the growth engine of Turkey’s $750 billion economy, consumers are setting their sights lower … Continue ReadingBloomberg: Turkey is struggling to undo lockdown damage
Categories Economy Emerging Markets Finance Turkey’s central bank: priority on production and government finances Editor P.A.Posted on16 June, 202018 June, 2020 The central bank of Turkey governor Uysal in his speech at the 12th International Conference … Continue ReadingTurkey’s central bank: priority on production and government finances
Categories Economy Emerging Markets Turkey’s home sales slump again Editor P.A.Posted on15 June, 202017 June, 2020 Sales of homes in Turkey fell sharply for the second consecutive month in May as … Continue ReadingTurkey’s home sales slump again
Categories Economy Emerging Markets Finance Turkey’s dismal fiscal performance that began long before COVID-19 Editor P.A.Posted on15 June, 202017 June, 2020 What goes around comes around to Turkey as well in terms of a rapidly widening … Continue ReadingTurkey’s dismal fiscal performance that began long before COVID-19
Categories Emerging Markets General Assad sacks PM, as economic crisis deepens in Syria Atilla YeşiladaPosted on13 June, 202013 June, 2020 Turkey’s troubled neighbor Syria, which has been roiled in a bloody civil war for almost … Continue ReadingAssad sacks PM, as economic crisis deepens in Syria
Categories Economy Emerging Markets General Politics Erdogan rules out early elections; modifies the election code to stop the newfound opposition parties Editor P.A.Posted on11 June, 202014 June, 2020 President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has ruled out months-long rumors on early elections, saying that all … Continue ReadingErdogan rules out early elections; modifies the election code to stop the newfound opposition parties
Categories Company & Industry Emerging Markets Finance Markets Turkey reaches deal with Euroclear for wider foreign access to local bond market Editor P.A.Posted on9 June, 202011 June, 2020 Turkey’s Treasury and Finance Ministry announced on Tuesday that it had reached a deal with … Continue ReadingTurkey reaches deal with Euroclear for wider foreign access to local bond market
Categories Economy Emerging Markets Iranian Trucks Resume Border Trade With Turkey Editor P.A.Posted on8 June, 20208 June, 2020 Some 150 Iranian trucks entered Turkey on Thursday after the reopening of customs gates between … Continue ReadingIranian Trucks Resume Border Trade With Turkey
Categories Emerging Markets Politics What drives Turkey’s growing influence in Africa? Editor P.A.Posted on8 June, 202010 June, 2020 After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Turkey lost its interest in Africa where it … Continue ReadingWhat drives Turkey’s growing influence in Africa?
Categories Emerging Markets Markets Reuters poll: EM currencies to rally through summer Atilla YeşiladaPosted on7 June, 20209 June, 2020 30 of 52 currency strategists, around 60%, polled by Reuters expect the emerging-market currencies’ recovery … Continue ReadingReuters poll: EM currencies to rally through summer